Putting You First
So many women are used to thinking of everyone else before themselves, whether in their role as a wife, mother, sister or friend, often to their own detriment. But at Whitaker Wealth Management Services, our team is committed to helping ensure that your financial needs are being met, whether married or single, so you can face the future confidently and not be a burden on those you love.

Danielle DeLong
Associate Investment Adviser Representative
Retirement solutions tailored to you
If your goals include leaving a legacy, helping put your children through college or giving loving care to your parents as they age, we can help you with that. If your dreams are to travel more, buy your dream home or delve into a new hobby, we can help you with that, too.
It all starts with understanding your finances and building a financial strategy for success. Unfortunately, there are some myths that often stand in the way of women getting the financial help they deserve. We are changing that.
The Truth:
Today, one-third of total U.S. household financial assets (or nearly $11 trillion) are controlled by women - with even more assets expected to transfer to women in the coming decades.1 That's partially due to women having a longer lifespan than men.2And yet, only a quarter of affluent women say they are comfortable making investment and savings-related decisions on their own.3
At Whitaker Wealth Management Services, we know women face unique challenges, and we're ready to help empower you with the guidance you need.
The Truth:
Women have a heart for service and care deeply about what matters most to them. Some women may appear less focused on their finances, but only because they're busy sacrificing - women make up nearly two-thirds of family caregivers ages 50-64. As a result, women tend to disproportionately suffer from such financial consequences as reduced work hours, passed up promotions or leaving the workforce entirely.4
Some women put themselves in the precarious position of relying too heavily on their spouse/partner and are sidelined or totally derailed when they are widowed, divorced or once again single, after decades of marriage or partnership. We can help you prepare for potential challenges like these.
The Truth:
By 2030, American women are expected to control much of the $30 trillion in financial assets that baby boomers will possess.5 They are the primary breadwinners in over 40% of U.S. households6 and account for close to 40% of all privately held businesses in the United States.7
While both women and men are interested in creating wealth because of the financial security it provides, 72% of women say financial security is a "main motivator," compared to 59% of men.8 We're dedicated to helping you seize opportunities for greater confidence in your financial life - and pursue your dreams with gusto!
Don't let these myths stand in the way of taking charge of your finances and your future; you are too valuable to those around you. You are very capable and we will walk beside you in this process. You deserve better and it is our goal to leave you better than when you came in. Take that first step! It is always the hardest, but we will walk with you every step of the way!
1, 3, 5 Pooneh Baghai, Olivia Howard, Lakshmi Prakash and Jill Zucker. McKinsey & Company. July 29, 2020. "Women as the next wave of growth in US wealth management." https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/financial-services/our-insights/women-as-the-next-wave-of-growth-in-us-wealth-management. Accessed March 21, 2022.
2 Social Security. "Retirement Benefits: Important Things to Consider When Planning for Retirement | What is your life expectancy?" https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/planner/otherthings.html. Accessed March 21, 2022.
4AARP, 2021. "The Economic Impact of Supporting Working Family Caregivers." https://www.aarp.org/content/dam/aarp/research/surveys_statistics/econ/2021/longevity-economy-working-caregivers.doi.10.26419-2Fint.00042.006.pdf. Accessed March 21, 2022.
6Sarah Jane Glynn. American Progress. March 29, 2021. "Breadwinning Mothers Are Critical to Families' Economic Security." https://www.americanprogress.org/article/breadwinning-mothers-critical-familys-economic-security. Accessed March 21, 2022.
7Wells Fargo. 2024. "The Impact of Women-Owned Businesses." https://www.wippeducationinstitute.org/_files/ugd/5cba3e_96b999d23fb04d8eb488192a179781d4.pdf. Accessed Oct. 31, 2024.
8U.S. Bank. "Women and Wealth Insights Study." 2020. https://www.usbank.com/dam/documents/pdf/wealth-management/perspectives/women-and-wealth-insights-study_07-2020.pdf. Accessed March 21, 2022.
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